Jun 29, 2010

Chapter 1

Note: this is the continuation of the prologue. This time, I, GixEdgewood, am continuing it.
Credits: ElleonStormwrath for making the prologue. And his twisted sentences that really gave me a laugh a bit.
Warning: Don’t rip it off.

Chapter 1

It was a calm sunny morning at the Invictus Noir HQ. Everyone was busy working, either holding piles of boxes and stashes of files littered the area. The members were too busy arranging everything to notice that they skipped a meal. Idril suddenly noticed something.

“Hey, where is Gix?” he spoke in random, making the rest stop working.

“Maybe he’s slacking off,” Jho mockingly replied.

“A leader slacking off to work?” Elleon scratched his temple, not sure of what to answer. “That’s different.”

The three members had fun back firing their so-called ‘leader’ in a funny manner. They cited different names to call him. "Slacker", "Lazy leader," etc. Valkyrie, on the other hand, just continued working and pretended that he didn’t heard anything, but just a plain silly joke.

“I’m back,” a voice greeted them. It was Gix, entering the lobby with his Noble armor.

“Where have you been?” Jho approached Gix.

“From the guild where my friend came and then left,” Gix uttered in a serious tone.

Valkyrie's head shot up. He stopped his worked and listened to the conversation, making sure that he let no information slip ahead of him.

“A friend of mine, spied over that guild since he was once one of them. He was able to move freely,” Gix started flipping the pages of her files. “They see us as a big threat to their guild. They started renovating their HQ," he looked at them with a serious face. "Of course, when my friend told me the whole story, I got irritated. Their immature, leader is looking for a fight. I had enough of that kid’s immaturity together with her members and the guild as well.”

“What do you want to do?” Valkyrie stepped in.

“I don’t know,” Gix shrugged off. “We just became a regular guild here. We can’t afford to make commotions that can make the guild suffer. More or less we will have a bad image if we did one.”

“Are they scared to lose members that they have to look at us like that?!” Idril blew the cover. “That last rating guild is getting into my nerves.”

“Chill man,” Jho elbowed Idril. “Your rage is getting the better of you...”

“What about a Guild vs. Guild?” Gix cooed his view to Elleon. “A two vs. two matches with the guild leader together with the chosen officer?”

“That sounds nice. But will they agree?” Valkyrie questioned.

“They should agree,” Elleon said with confidence. “Did they see you how to fight?”

“They did,” Gix nodded. “They are too scared that they don’t even want to have a spar with me. Someone gotta convince them.”

“Why don’t you make the mechanics first?” Valkyrie suggested.

“Give some credit,” Gix said.

“Right now?” Idril asked.

“Yeah. I’ll be back tonight,” Gix hurriedly walked towards the door.


Gix dashed towards to the headquarters to give the updates. As he reached the HQ, he immediately opened the door without knocking, but only to find the blank presence of his members.

“Elleon! Valkyrie!” he he searched all over, he wasn’t able to locate them on their own room. “Man, where could they be…”

He ran back and forth, up and down to search for them. But still he couldnt find them. Eventually, he bumped into someone later on.

“Hey Gix, you shouldn’t run in the HQ like a predator hunting for its prey.” It was Jho, wearing a Kaze Aze uniform.

“Sorry Jho, I was looking for Elleon, did you see hm?” Gix asked.

“Elleon, eh? I saw him heading to the park to check the bulletin board, and went to the PvP stadium after,” Jho replied.

“Thanks Jho! I’ll go to him now,” Gix hurriedly went out to the said area.

Battle Stadium

“These guys are full of energy sparring,” Elleon muttered, as he watch the fight while cleaning his Bo staff with a white linen cloth.

“Elleon…” Gix huffed as he reached the staduim, clutching the piece of paper that held the rules.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Gix~ 'leon here. Sent you mail instead. Just read through it. Possible corrections are in bold.
