Jun 29, 2010

A New Dawn: An Invictus Noir Story

Elleon's Note: This one-shot was done in an "alternate universe" from the Grand Chase story itself. I twisted some sentences to give better flow to the story, so sue me =P

A New Dawn: An Invictus Noir Story

Leaves gently rustled as a soft breeze passed by our group, complimenting the flow of water in the creek. The four of us were sitting silently by the trees, each attending to their own business.

"I want to make a guild." came the sudden statement of our "leader". All of us looked questioningly at him, silently inquiring what brought this up. We were answered with a mere shrug.

"All Thief guild?" one of us asked. Jho, the other redhead apart from me, stood by the rocky shade, his dual sword sheathed carefully on his sides. In his hands he held his metallic, dog-like helmet, colored nearly the same as his hair.

“No, that would be too much." our leader, Gix, answered, seated on one of the boulders by the shade. His chin was propped on his sleeved right hand, thinking deeply on what to do. "Will you join?"

"Sure, no problem. But hey, imagine if it was an all Thief guild. Hit and run everywhere." Jho chuckled.

"Alright then." Gix leaped off the boulder he was sitting on. "I'll be working on the draft. Then I'll show it to you guys as soon as it is finished." Dusting off dirt and picking up his sword and shield, he started walking back to town.

"That's alright. Take your time." Jho smiled at him.

"Hey, count me in. What's the name of the guild?" the person nearest to me asked, picking up his broadsword and following Gix. Idril is yet another active member of the group. Like me, he was wearing casual-looking clothes. Only our hair color set us apart at times. His is black. Mine is dark red, darker than Jho's.

Gix looked back at us as we were gathering our items. "Invictus. It was decided that the new guild will be named Invictus." he answered.

"Interesting." I finally spoke up, brushing off dust from my white pants and grabbing my staff. With that, we all walked silently towards Serdin Town.

A faint rustle of the bushes alerted us. Expecting a monster, the four of us switched to our own battle stances. As the rustling grew louder, our grip on our weapons tightened, our focus concentrated.

"Oh so this is where Gix hangs out." a voice from the bushes calls to us. As the person emerged, we all gently let go of the death grip on our weapons and breathed a sigh of relief. It was one of Gix's friends, Valkyrie. Turning to me, he asked, "Joining?"

I shrugged, "Yeah, likely." Shoving my hand into one of my pockets, I run my fingers lightly on the trinket I had kept for so many years. "It's not as if I'm abandoning RadiaTa." I added.

"Well then, I guess we're good to go. Invictus guild, here we come!" Gix shouted, unsheathing his sword and raising up in the air. With a shout of "Yeah!" that came from us, he sheathed his sword back into the shield and started walking vigorously towards Serdin Park.


"What do you mean 'Invictus' is taken?!" Our leader shouted in rage. The guild manager only shrugged and showed us an official record. "It seems that someone doesn't want to lose her members..." muttered out loud. “Well then, I guess it can't be helped." Gix said and added another word into the name.

"Invictus Noir. Here we stand, we conquer. We do it the Invictian way." our leader said.

"No holds barred. No backing out. No mercy." mischief glinting in my eyes as Gix handed an officer's badge to me.

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