Jun 29, 2010

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

“Hmm?” feeling a presence near him, elleon casted a glance on the "intruder". “Oh you’re back with the mechanics?” he placed his Bo staff away and approached Gix. “How was it?”

“Uhh… here,” Gix nervously handed the paper. “You can add what you want over there.”
“Hmm~” Elleon carefully read the paper. “Hey, why no Ice Fairy?”

“I knew he’d react that way.” Gix thought.

“Hey, I said you can add what you want over there!” he roared.

“Cool down, kid,” Elleon smirked. “Everything is good to go, except for minor additions.”


“Ya serious?” Elleon changed the topic.

“Likewise, I want to destroy that guild,” Gix said as the emotion of anger surged through him. “I have a long patience, but this time, they crossed the line.”

“Are they good?” Elleon stared at Gix.

“Good where?” Gix asked with a tone of innocence in his voice.


“Their leader sucks. I took her down easily.,” Gix smug, though he knew he was right. “The same goes for their officer although I defeated him in a stupid way. That is when I was still a kid back then.”

“Would they even survive at me?” Elleon laughed.

“I think not,” Gix followed. “You gotta convince ‘em.”

“Why me?”

“They haven’t seen you fight, have they?” Gix had his arms crossed.

“I don't know,” Elleon replied.

“You don’t remember anything?!” Gix shouted in surprise.

“Not that I don’t remember,” Elleon shrugged. “Well, I guess I’ll try.”

“Do it!” Gix insisted.

Elleon raised his eyebrow at the other's reaction. He saw Gix’s determination shone in his eyes to eliminate the other guild. Perhaps, it was associated with anger, yet, the confidence and determination proved it wrong. He knew that Gix was protecting the name of the guild and its members, that’s why he had to do this.

“Fine,” Elleon finally managed to say. “I’ll do it.”

“Really?” Gix had high hopes drawn on his face.

“Yeah, yeah.”

“Well… I guess, I’ll be going now,” Gix went on a separate way.

Elleon just shook his head with a quick smile made it's way to his face but was quickly replaced with a brooding expression.

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