Aug 20, 2010

Suck up much?

With the day today? I did suck up much for such roaching day. Not about some stupid career talk or whatever shit it is.

One thing is for sure. I saw something stupid. And it was very stupid. More stupid than a stupid thing I ever saw in this stupid world

Lol... stupids. Well I hate stupid people who doesn't admit that they are stupid. Because they don't want to be called stupid even though they are already stupid. Because they are stupid not to admit that they are stupid. Yes you. You stupid little girly runt... who's a badass. Looking like a seahorse whose lips are like =3= oh fck... it's like "WTF! A SEAHORSE MONSTER!"

I want to be hypocrite all of a sudden.

Stupid people go away, and never come back ever again~ ♫

kinda resort to that thing much. Even though that date passed already, I went over rage. Jeez, I almost break the stash of patch chips inside the System Unit. You could feel the scorching temper of mine when I glance.

But when I saw something here. I wowed. And said, "Oh goodie...! Now I have no problem simulating the fact that I hate everything about that. It's a good thing that I'm not a person who's prepping every single stupid human in the world."

That made feel better or somewhat reality slap the good luck to me.


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