Jan 10, 2011

Mega Man Online!

We have known in June 2010 that Mega Man games would be transformed into a massively multiplayer online game by a Korea-based game company. However, there is little news regarding the game, and no official announcement has been released so far. Now, Neowiz Games has announced their partnership with Capcom and released a CG trailer for this latest Mega Man franchise. This is NOT a gameplay video, but its post-apocalyptic, Akira-esque vision of Mega Man's world really makes us wish Capcom and Neowiz would bring this game to us soon.

And here we were thinking Mega Man Online, the Korean MMO being worked on by Capcom and Neowiz, would be a pedestrian affair. Seems the pair have something a little more epic in mind.

At least, they do in this teaser trailer for the game, which owes as as much to something like Akira as it does the Blue Bomber. There is of course no gameplay footage to be seen, but if you've ever dreamt of an adult-oriented Mega Man animated feature, then you'd better watch the clip below. Then watch it again.

Mega Man fans will note that the game is throwing together some of the franchise's different series, with both Mega Man and Mega Man X characters squaring off together.

Sorry to get your hopes up, only to dash them away immediately with that headline but it's true: a Mega Man online game was announced last week by Capcom Japan. I was hesitant to post about it BECAUSE it's only coming out for South Korea, but I felt that you folks should at least know something about it. Says Capcom Japan's COO, Haruhiro Tsujimoto in an interview with Nikkei Trendy:

First, it will be launched in South Korea. From there, it’s necessary to think about the development in Taiwan and China. Moreover, there are a great deal of Rockman fans in Japan as well. Though there are no plans currently, if Japanese gamers show interest in the game, the possibility to release it here exists.

The game will be developed by Korean company Neowiz and will feature characters from the Mega Man X series in a 2D MMO setting, a la Maple Story.

We'll tell you more as we get more info!

What do you folks think? Does this sound like something you'd like to get your hands on in a Western release? Maybe it's too early to make a decision, since we know so little.

Either way, let your voices be heard in the comments!

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