Jul 9, 2010

Guild Leaders? Who are they?

Who are they really? Let's define what is a Guild Leader.

Guild Leader or a Guild Master is a player character who is the head of a guild. They have administrative control of the guild's operations, including giving ranks, privileges, adding/removing guild members, etc.

Also referred to as guild masters or GMs, which sometimes gets confused with Game Masters.

Characters who are Guild Leaders cannot be deleted or transferred to another server, leadership must be transferred to another character (or the guild disbanded) first.

What do they do?

As I have said, Guild Leaders or Guild Masters are responsible for his/her members inside their organization. They are the one's who are in full control of the guild and held responsible for all the acts done by the members of the guild.

Guild Leader acts as the very foundation of the guild. Without the leader, the guild is nothing.

The Guild Leader also provides events to make the guild a fun place to stay and a fun place to have a discussion or an open-forum.

They also have the power to expel or accept pending applicants in the guild and the power to choose his officers to help him if ever he is inactive. The officers are somewhat the same to a Vice-President that takes care of the guild and attends to the needs of the members.

What are their duties?

Guild Leader's duties are to help the members in need in anyway they can or attend to their attentions and even answering questions.

Their duties are to monitor the whole organization and the members for them to keep in touch of their surroundings.

What are the qualities of a Guild Leader? Am I qualified to be one?

It's a good thing you asked. You really have to ask yourself anyway. Best be sure. If you want to be a Guild Leader and to have a successful guild, you need to have the following attitudes:

1. Leadership - this is the most important of all. If you have a great leadership skills, there is a high possibility that you will have a successful guild lead. But if you lack Leadership, you lack everything.

2. Active - don't let your members think of you as a one-stop leader. Now they see you, now they don't. Always be active to keep your guild in check. Do a back read so you can get updates.

3. Be Attentive - this is the very first mistake that the leader encounters. He/She sometimes ignores the questions of their members which may lead to misunderstanding.

4. Don't be Immature-like - being a guild leader doesn't choose an age. No matter what age you are in, you should be mature in all acts. Don't reason out "I'm just (insert age here), I still have many things that I don't know." People will think of you as a one rejected human who doesn't know anything. If you can't act matured, then you better not create a guild, because it will only crumble less than a year.

5. Don't do Emotional Breakouts - this can cause lost of members if you didn't be careful. A lot of misunderstandings came from emotional breakdowns.

6. Learn to lead your members - don't let your members always do what they want. Learn to control their actions. If you can't control you members, best be not to create a guild because it will only crumbles less than a year.

7. Be a role Model - the Guild Leader is the center of all. One mistake can stain your good image as a leader. People don't want a spammer, immature, worthless, Guild Leader, right?

8. Be Strict without spoiling the fun - Guild Leaders want a perfect guild, but of course, there is no such thing as perfect guild, but you can have a one fun guild.

9. Don't do Public Display Of Affections - no one can stop having a couple inside a guild. It's free to have those, but P.D.A is not advisable. If a perverted forumer gets into your P.D.A, then you're causing nausea to the world.

10. Have fun!


There are still many characteristics that a person should have in order to be a successful Guild Leader. All posted here are just simple guidelines. But if you feel that you have these qualities, then you are in!

But if you lack one of the things there, then you're out!